
How Many Story Ideas Have You Come Up with, or Plan to Write ~

Too many to count! But here's a link to some of the novels, short stories, poetry, etc. that I had on the old site:

Do I Plan to Write Something Different Afer Wisdom Novels?

So far, here are the titles so far: a short story series called "Weapons Casters" with the first complete "A Partner in Crime" (audio book now), sci-fi "Time Keeper", and sci-fi "Soul-Shifter".

The Great Elemental Masters

Throughout history, Nature has controlled the seasons wiithout the need of Healers. But times change. Now, these three masters have been selected for their powerful talents to help balance out what Nature has done for millennium.

To become a master of the elements, one must be "reborn." Once reawakened, their connection to Nature intensifies. Energy does not burn out as quickly as regular Healers.

Masters cannot die, unless Nature no longer needs them. When dieath does come, they are simply regenerated to the level they left off. This, however, may not be possible due to the growing Darkness infesting the land, sucking away at Nature's energy needed for regeneration.














Merionathiel Blazn
Master of Fire - Ember Mage
Creator of Ember Isles, a series of small islands bordering the western shores off Dragon's Ridge. Controls smoke and flames. Is non-social. Can become fire as needed.
Savannah Swift
Master of Air - Wind Thief - Weather Maker
Controls weather and temperature. Can hear any secret that's picked up by the wind. Prefers high altitudes. Has a very mischievous personality. Can become air as needed.
Yuri Sanssumi
Master of Water - Wave Racer - Mer Folk
Conrols the tide, waves and anything related to water. Can be found following the great migration of sea creatures as temperatures change with the seasons. Can become water.

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